Corn Harvest Quality Report 2015/2016


Weather plays a large role in the corn planting process, growing conditions, and grain development in the field, which, in turn, impacts final grain yield and quality. Overall, the 2015 growing season experienced early planting, a cool, wet vegetative period (the period of growth between germination and pollination), and rapid natural dry-down and harvest. The 2015 corn crop had the second best crop condition rating1 during reproductive growth in the past five years, resulting in high yields and setting the stage for overall high grain quality. The following highlights the key events of the 2015 growing season:

  • Wide variation in temperatures and precipitation occurred in the spring, but half of the crop was planted in a two-week earlierthan-average window.
  • Heavy rainfall and cool temperatures in late vegetative- to-pollination stages led to nitrogen fertilizer loss, limited nitrogen uptake, and lower protein and horneous endosperm accumulation.
  • A cool, dry reproductive period led to less stress during grain filling, with greater than average starch accumulation in all ECAs.
  • Warm temperatures and dry conditions hastened maturity, natural drying, and harvesting, especially in the northern areas.

The following sections describe how the 2015 growing season weather impacted the corn yield and grain quality in the U.S. Corn Belt.

1 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) rates the U.S. corn crop weekly during the production cycle. The rating is based on yield potential, and plant stress due to a number of factors including extreme temperatures, excessive or insufficient moisture, disease, insect damage and/or weed pressure.