Country News
Argentina: Since Australian barley is locked out due to a geopolitical fight, Argentina is seeking to fill the gap in China’s need for malting barley. Meanwhile, stuck with a bumper crop, Australia is trying to sell barley to Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia. (Bloomberg; Refinitiv)
Brazil: The Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (IMEA) reports that corn harvesting has resumed after drier weather improved conditions. By contrast, other areas have had too little rain compelling INTL FCStone to again reduce its safrinha crop estimate by 1.75 percent down to 72.6 MMT. (Reuters; AgriCensus)
China: The agriculture ministry says 2019/20 corn consumption will fall 500 KMT due to higher prices, which it expects will recede as a result of imports and sales from state reserves. The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) is seeking to breed corn with higher protein levels and adjust feed rations accordingly. (Bloomberg; Feed Navigator)
EU: A key co-op reduced its estimate for Germany’s barley production this year. (AgriCensus)
Saudi Arabia: State buyers SAGO purchased 1.08 MMT of feed barley with a purchase price of $198.81/MT. The optional origin barley is to be delivered in August/September in 18 different consignments and to two different ports. (Reuters)
South Korea: FLC tendered for 69 KMT of corn. (DTN)
Taiwan: MFIG purchased imported 65 KMT of Brazilian corn at $141.77 over December Chicago futures. (AgriCensus; DTN)
Thailand: The Thailand Feed Mill Association tendered for barley imports. (AgriCensus)
Tunisia: The government’s buying agency tendered for 50 KMT of barley imports. (AgriCensus; Reuters)