Trade Policy Academies Highlight Hot Topics In Colorado, Kansas

Farmers in Colorado and Kansas recently met in their respective states to learn about all things trade at the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) and National Corn Growers Association’s (NCGA’s) latest trade policy academies hosted by Kansas Corn and Colorado Corn, respectively.

“Trade policy academies are a great way for the Council to engage our key partners and members as well as broader stakeholders,” said Ellen Zimmerman, USGC director of industry relations. “Bringing together people with a wide range of trade policy expertise allows for great discussion and for all attendees to walk away with a better appreciation and understanding of the work the Council does, NCGA does, the state checkoff and how trade impacts every operation.”

The content of each edition of a trade policy academy may vary based on when and where the event is held, but the basics remain the same. The events highlight the importance of trade to the agricultural community, while giving guidance to attendees on how to discuss trade topics in their own communities.

In Colorado and Kansas, the main points of discussion included the history of trade agreements, how grain moves to ports and beyond, market development and market access, talking about trade in every day life and how to continue to learn more.

To learn more about upcoming trade policy academies and access trade resources, visit .