Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles
DDGS Comments: Cash corn stands at $3.31/bushel this week, while FOB ethanol plant DDGS values increased again from last week to $145.60/MT. The DDGS/cash corn value is 5 percent higher than its two-year average. DDGS values were up early in the week following the rally in soybean meal prices. As of the market’s close today, prices at the Gulf are up from last week (+$3/MT) while U.S. rail rates are unchanged to slightly up.
Southeast Asian buyers have been actively inquiring about DDGS for November-December delivery. Sales to Indonesia and Vietnam were reported as well as Bangladesh. DDGS container rates to Southeast Asia are down $4/MT on average, with Vietnam showing the largest drop (-$3/MT) from last week and currently at $241/MT for November delivery. Container rates to Japan are down $5/MT from last week.