Market Perspectives – March 8, 2018

Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS)

DDGS Comments: Transportation issues continue to impact the DDGS market and cause troubles getting product from ethanol plants to export ports. Some traders are reporting DDGS barges should be loaded mid-Mississippi river this week, but there is still uncertainty as to when these barges will arrive at the Gulf. Barge CIF NOLA prices jumped higher three weeks ago and are holding those levels, rising another $1/MT this week to $217/MT. FOB NOLA DDGS prices are $6/MT higher this week at $228/MT, 127 percent of FOB NOLA corn values.

Merchandisers are reporting Vietnamese buyers are actively looking for April-June shipments but, so far, are not willing to pay asking prices. Some sales to South Korea have occurred but with limited volumes. So far this week, CIF Southeast Asia prices are up $4/MT to $270 with prices for Japan and Shanghai, China leading the way (each up $10/MT).