Country News
Algeria: Government agency ONAB tendered for 120 KMT of corn for shipment in August. (AgriCensus)
Argentina: The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange says the corn harvest has reached 66.1 percent. Corn will be included in any new “agri-dollar” scheme for more favorable exchange rates on farmers selling into export, though the details of the program remain unclear. (AgriCensus)
Brazil: Conab reports the harvest of second cop corn is at 47.9 percent; Deral says the corn harvest in Paraná is at 11 percent; and IMEA reports the Mato Grosso harvest 83.17 percent complete. (AgriCensus)
EU: Overall barley production in the July estimate was left unchanged, though the 4.74 MMT crop is 3 percent below the five-year average and spring barley yields are off 14 percent from trend. The corn crop was cut 1 percent to 7.53 MMT. (EU MARS)
Iran: State-owned animal feed importer SLAL tendered for 180 KMT of corn but is believed to have rejected all offers and made no purchases as prices were deemed too high. (Refintiiv)
Russia: The export tax on corn was lowered for the week ending 1 August. (AgriCensus)
Mexico: While the government seeks to protect domestic producers of white corn from imports, there has been a surge in foreign demand for the colorful heirloom varieties. Comprising just 1 percent of domestic maize production, the price is now triple that of white corn. (NBC News)
South Africa: In its latest monthly estimate of the corn crop, the Crop Estimates Committee kept the forecast unchanged at 16.3 MMT. (AgriCensus)
Zimbabwe: In its first export of corn since 2001, the plan is to sell 40 KMT of the staple grain to Rwanda. (Refinitiv)