Market Perspectives – January 24, 2019

Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS)

DDGS Comments: Cash corn values are $3.47/bushel this week while FOB ethanol plant DDGS are $155.71/MT, down from last week. The DDGS/cash corn value is 114 percent, above the two-year average of 107 percent.

DDGS indications are mostly up this week in response to a combination of strengthening demand, tightening supply and, to some extent, logistics at the U.S. Gulf. February execution is limited but remains available; FOB vessel U.S. Gulf for March delivery is at $214/MT. Barge CIF New Orleans prices gained strength as well while U.S. rail rates were steady to slightly higher. On average, 40-foot containers to Southeast Asian markets were up $5/MT this week from last week as merchandisers reported multiple sales to Vietnam.