Market Perspectives August 30, 2013

U.S. Weather/Crop Progress

U.S. Drought Monitor Weather Forecast: During the August 30-September 2 time period, 1.0-2.5 inches of rain is expected from Western North Dakota eastward across Central Minnesota, continuing southeastward across much of Wisconsin and Southern Michigan. Between 1.0-1.5 inches of rain is predicted to fall across much of Arizona. Temperatures across the Midwest are forecast to be about 8-12 degrees above normal for the first half of this period, followed by a brief respite, with temperatures near seasonal values. 

For the period of September 3-7, near to below-median rainfall is favored across most of the central third of the country. Above-median rainfall is favored across the Four Corners region, most of the Rockies and Northwest, and the northern High Plains. Near to above-normal temperatures are predicted for all but northeastern portions of the country. Follow this link to view current U.S. and international weather patterns and the future outlook: Weather and Crop Bulletin