Market Perspectives – August 23, 2018

U.S. Weather/Crop Progress

U.S. Drought Monitor Weather Forecast: Over the next week, beginning Tuesday August 28, up to 2 inches of rain is forecast for western Colorado and western New Mexico, where extreme (D3) and exceptional (D4) drought conditions prevail. No rain to less than half an inch is forecast for most of the remainder of the West. Between 0.1 and 2 inches are forecast for most of the rest of the U.S. at this time. Looking further ahead at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) 6- to 10-day Outlook (August 26-30), the probability of dry conditions is highest in the Plains, with a bullseye over western Oklahoma, while wet conditions may occur along the northern tier of the U.S., and the Pacific Northwest. During this period, below-average temperatures are expected in the West while above-average temperatures are forecast for the eastern two-thirds of the country, particularly stretching from the Midwest to the Northeast.

Looking two weeks out (August 28-September 3), above-average temperatures are expected across the eastern two-thirds of the U.S. and stretching across the southwestern U.S./Mexico border. Below-average temperatures are expected over most of the West. The probability of above-average precipitation is highest over the North and Northwest with the highest probability of dryness expected over western Oklahoma.

Follow this link to view current U.S. and international weather patterns and future outlook: Weather and Crop Bulletin.