USGC Recognizes Two Iowa Corn Delegates For 10 Years Of Service

USGC Recognizes Two Iowa Corn Delegates For 10 Years Of Service
The Council recognized two farmer delegates for 10 years of service at the virtual 18th International Marketing Conference & 61st Annual Membership meeting: Duane Aistrope and Roger Zylstra.

Aistrope serves on the Council’s Board of Directors as an At-Large Director. In this capacity, he works with other elected leaders, staff and membership to understand industry needs and set priorities to develop and strengthen export markets for the U.S. across the globe. Aistrope has been involved with the Council since being elected to the Iowa Corn Promotion Board.

Duane Aistrope

“When I was first elected to the Iowa Corn Promotion Board, I was advised that I would learn about the many initiatives and efforts to improve the industry and grow trade,” he said. “I was also told I would find an area that would spark my interest, and I quickly gravitated toward our work related to exports. Because of this, serving on the Council has provided a natural fit I’m passionate about.”

Aistrope has taken on many roles while at the Council. Prior to being elected to the board, he was a Biotechnology Advisory Team (A-Team) leader.

“I always enjoy opportunities to work with and hear from members about important issues as we set the priorities for our efforts and develop a path for carrying out our work,” he said. “Being an Iowa farm boy and getting to learn about and see so much of the world has been a real eye-opener!”

Roger Zylstra, like Aistrope, was also honored for 10 years of service with the Council. He serves as chairman of the Iowa Promotion Board.

Roger Zylstra

Zylstra began his work with the Council when he was asked to host a trade delegation on his farm. Since then, he has served on several A-Teams, including Biotechnology and Asia, as well as hosting many trade groups on his farm. He has also participated in several trade missions which included travel to Colombia.

“One of my highlights working with the Council was a trade mission to Colombia a couple of years ago,” he said. “On that trade team, we explored the poultry and feed companies in order to further develop markets.”

Being a part of the Council allows Zylstra to share his story with others around the globe.

“It has been an honor for me to share my farming experiences with some of our customers from other countries,” he said. “We grow more than we use. Our success depends on our ability to trade.”

Please join us in congratulating these farmer leaders on their 10 years of service!

Read more recognition stories for longtime USGC leaders.