USGC Expands Its Ethanol Offerings At

New information about global market development efforts for U.S. ethanol and the benefits of the biofuel to global customers is now available online at

The United States is the world’s low-cost ethanol producer and captured more than 65 percent of global ethanol trade in the 2017/2018 marketing year.

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) and its partners in the ethanol, corn and sorghum industries started promoting ethanol in 2014, quickly expanding the intensity and geographic scope, which has contributed to a rapid increase in overall U.S. ethanol exports.

To make ethanol program information, resources and updates more easily accessible for stakeholders and members, the Council has expanded its web presence for ethanol, highlighting many of the important components of is ethanol efforts.

The following pages are available and updated regularly on the site:

Ethanol home page – the global ethanol market is growing at rapid pace as more countries are implementing policies that use biofuels to address environmental issues, develop rural economies and diversify fuel sources. This page offers an introductory fuel ethanol handbook and a seven-part video series on specific ethanol topics. View the ethanol home page here.

Ethanol key topics – this page covers key topics relating to ethanol including global use, air quality and human health benefits, rural economic impacts, policy development that includes a role for trade, engine technology, and food and fuel. The table of contents makes it easy to jump to each topic’s information, videos and studies. This page is here.

Ethanol market development – this page contains success stories of the most recent efforts of the Council pertaining to ethanol markets. Visit the ethanol market development page here.

Ethanol market information – this page provides links to key reports and resources related to ethanol, along with pricing and purchasing information including an ethanol purchase inquiry form. Buyers and sellers can use this page to locate U.S. ethanol exporters along with a weekly ethanol market and pricing report. Find this page here.

For more information on the USGC’s global ethanol work, click here.