U.S. Grains Council Statement On Section 232 Tariffs On Mexico, Canada And The European Union

A statement from U.S. Grains Council President and CEO Tom Sleight:

“The U.S. Grains Council is deeply concerned about new tariffs set to be implemented at midnight on steel and aluminum from Mexico, Canada and the European Union, three key markets for U.S. grain and related products.

“Based on information we have heard from our customers and past experience, we have every reason to believe U.S. agriculture, including the products we represent, will be among the first hit by counter measures from our trading partners.

“These countries are among our closest neighbors and friends. We have spent years building markets in these countries based on a mutual belief that increasing trade benefits all parties.

“We had strong hopes this situation would be averted permanently, but it now appears we need to prepare for retaliation and its direct impact U.S. farmers. Our global staff is doing this to the best of their abilities as we continue to follow new developments.”

Bryan Jernigan, bjernigan@grains.org, (202) 603-3891