Sorghum Harvest Quality Report

In January 2017, the Council released the 2016/2017 Sorghum Harvest Quality Report. The Report assesses the quality of the current U.S. sorghum harvest as it enters international merchandizing channels.

This 2016/2017 Harvest Report is based on 254 commodity sorghum samples taken from defined areas within the nine top sorghum-producing states. Inbound, unblended samples were collected from local grain elevators to observe quality at the point of origin, and to provide representative information about the variability of the quality characteristics across the diverse geographic regions.

This second year of sorghum harvest quality data will lay the foundation for evaluating trends and the factors that impact sorghum quality. In addition, the cumulative measurement surveys will increase in value by enabling export buyers and other stakeholders to begin making year-to-year comparisons and assessing patterns in sorghum quality, based on growing, drying, handling, storage, and transport conditions.