Market Perspectives May 19, 2016

Country News

Brazil: Dry weather promoted the Safrinha corn crop to mature early and farmers are harvesting early as current higher prices more than offset the additional cost of drying. The crop will be 4 MMT smaller at 53 MMT and the overall crop is lowered by 5 MMT to 79 MMT. (Reuters; Conab)

India: The state of Bihar banned liquor sales a few weeks ago and to now address the adverse impacts on farmers and distillers, the government is asking petroleum suppliers to blend ethanol into their fuels. (The Economic Times)

India: Imports of 225 KMT of corn have failed to dent price rises ($190.29/MT) as the Bihar corn crop is arriving with high moisture content – which could lead to damage. (WPI)

Ukraine: The economy is beginning to improve as indicated by an expected 7 percent increase in poultry demand, which will boost consumption of the new corn crop. (Bloomberg)