Market Perspectives June 30, 2016

Country News

China: Only part of the reserve corn offered for sale at auction actually sold, and it netted a lower price ($248.56/MT) than the imported corn ($256.09/MT) offered for sale. Shanghai JC Intelligence Co. says that the poorer quality domestic supply may boost imports, though the National Grain Trade Center indicates that the government thus far only sold 8.1 MMT of the 125 MMT of corn it has in reserves. (Bloomberg)

Nigeria: The National Biosafety Management Agency approved confined field trials of glyphosate resistant maize despite opposition from 100 NGOs. (The Africa Report)

India: PEC Limited only received one bid to supply 48,000 MT of non-GMO corn from Ukraine at $245-255/MT. It was rejected for being too high and unaffordable. Ukrainian corn prices are rising because of diminishing offers from farmers. (WPI)

Kenya: Cereal Millers Association Chairman Nick Hutchinson says that the domestically produced maize is of very poor quality. He says that the country should consider switching to GMO maize to address the situation. (Citizen Reporter)