Market Perspectives – June 27, 2019

Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS)

DDGS Comments: FOB ethanol plant DDGS are higher again this week at $148.24/MT despite a slight decrease in soymeal and cash corn values. Cash corn prices presently average $4.28/bushel, leaving the DDGS/cash corn ratio at 88 percent, up from last week but below the two-year average of 107 percent.

On the export market, merchandisers report modest buying interest from Southeast Asia with several confirmed sales. FOB Gulf DDGS values are near $221/MT this week with 40-foot containers CIF Southeast Asia values rising $6/MT for spot delivery to $244/MT. Merchandisers note mostly quiet interest from Vietnam but a recent uptick in inquiries for July and August delivery. Buyers in Indonesia have also made several inquiries for July/August shipment.