Market Perspectives – January 30, 2020

Country News

Argentina: Last year’s corn exports hit a record 38 MMT. Meanwhile, the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange says that this year’s corn planting is nearing completion. (USDA/FAS; AgriCensus)

Brazil: The state of Parana will need a 10-day extension on its normal planting period for the safrinha corn crop. Meanwhile, corn exports have slowed in this final week of January. (AgriCensus)

EU: Barley exports were up 50 percent year on year. (AgriCensus)

Japan: Fall army worm damage to corn silage has prompted the government to set up a $16 million Emergency Feed Grain Reserve Program to support storage costs for 850 KMT of imported feed ingredients. The imported corn will offset the silage losses, stabilizing compound feed costs. (USDA/FAS).

Saudi Arabia: The government purchased 900 KMT of barley at $224.45/MT for March/April delivery. (AgriCensus; Refinitiv)

South Africa: Corn planting area will be up 10 percent to 2.5 million hectares and production will rise 13 percent to 13.3 MMT on better weather. Exports are forecast at 1.1 MMT. (USDA/FAS)

South Korea: The falling price of corn has encouraged aggressive buying with four private sales including 133 KMT purchased by MFG and FLC. (AgriCensus)