Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS)
DDGS Comments: Cash corn values are $3.43/bushel this week while FOB ethanol plant DDGS are mostly unchanged from last week. The DDGS/cash corn value is 111 percent, above the two-year average of 107 percent.
DDGS indications were generally up this week from last. At the U.S. Gulf, March delivery is becoming hard to find, and values have increased accordingly. FOB vessel U.S. Gulf for April delivery is at $221/MT. Barge logistics continue to be challenged by winter storms that have brought rain, ice and snow to the U.S. Midwest. U.S. rail rates were up $3/MT on average for nearby delivery.
40-foot containers to Southeast Asia (March delivery) were up $5/MT for March delivery, on average.