Market Perspectives – August 3, 2023

Country News

Argentina: Corn harvested for MY 2022/23 is 68.4 percent complete, according to the Buenos Aires Grain exchange. Corn sales for MY 2022/23 under the preferential exchange rate hit 2.4 MMT. The FAS attaché lowered projected barley production to 4.5 MMT but raised corn output to 55 MMT for MY 2023/24 based on improved rains. (Fats Markets; FAS GAIN)

Australia: Trade Minister Don Farrell expressed hope that a dispute with China over tariffs on Australian barley will be resolved within days. (Reuters)

Brazil: Anec reports that corn exports were up in July. The Parana corn harvest is 17 percent complete, Matto Grosso is 92 percent finished, and Conab reports the overall second corn crop is 54.7 percent complete. (AgriCensus)

Iran: Government agency SLAL passed on a tender for 120 KMT of feed corn believing prices were too high and escalated due to Russia’s attacks on Ukraine. (Refinitiv)

South Korea: NOFI bought 68 KMT of corn for December arrival, about half the amount tendered, with sourcing either from south America or South Africa. Kocopia bought non-GMO corn for October arrival. (Refinitiv; AgriCensus)

Taiwan: MFIG purchased 65 KMT of corn for October/November shipment with Brazil origin. (AgriCensus)

Turkey: Corn has been authorized for export. (AgriCensus)