U.S. Weather/Crop Progress
U.S. Drought Monitor Weather Forecast: During the next 5 days, moderate precipitation (2-4 inches) is forecasted to fall in parts of the drought-stricken areas of the Midwest and High Plains. The heaviest of these rains is projected to fall in southwest Missouri and eastern Kansas and Oklahoma. The front range of Colorado is also expected to receive 2-4 inches of rain. Elsewhere, lighter precipitation (1-2 inches) is expected to fall in the Northeast, Coastal Carolina’s and south Florida. Temperatures are forecasted to be cooler-than-normal for much of the High Plains and Midwest during the next week. Above normal temperatures are projected for much of the West and East. The 6- to 10-day outlook from the Climate Prediction Center calls for an increased chance of below-normal precipitation in the drought-stricken areas of Missouri as well part of the High Plains and Northwest. The probability of above-normal temperatures is highest in the Southwest and Northeast while the probability of below-normal temperatures is the highest in the Southeast.
Follow this link to view current U.S. and international weather patterns and future outlook: Weather and Crop Bulletin.