February 1-3, 2021 – The 18th International Marketing Conference & 61st Annual Membership Meeting

U.S. Grains Council 18th International Marketing Conference Cover

FAQs for U.S. Grains Council’s Virtual February Meeting – February 2021

As of November 18, 2020

Why is the meeting going to be held virtually rather than in-person?
The Board of Directors met and, considering restrictions currently in place in Savannah and around the country, decided that our meeting this winter will be held virtually. We recognize that any in-person meeting in the near-term would be very different and significantly more limited than our typical gatherings.

When is the virtual meeting?
The 18th International Marketing Conference and 61st Annual Membership meeting will still take place Feb. 1 – 3, 2021.  The meeting will include General sessions, A-Teams and sector meetings.  The full agenda will be available on Nov. 30, 2020.

Why is the meeting not postponed until a later date?
As most Council members are aware, our meeting is scheduled between harvest and planting. Each year this meeting focuses on giving our A-Teams time to do the work necessary for the Council to accomplish goals and continue to move forward. We do not want to delay those discussions, presentations and decisions.

Will we need to register?
Yes, we are still asking everyone to register who is going to attend the meeting. The virtual platform is linked to individual attendees’ e-mail addresses, so each person wanting to attend events, comment, etc. needs to be in the virtual platform to get a log-in link attached to their name.

How do I register?
Registration will be open at www.grains.org as of Nov. 30, 2020.

How will the virtual platform work?
Each day of the meeting you will log in to the platform. From there, you will be able to see the agenda and  a listing of all  sessions you can join. This is also how you will join A-Team and sector meetings.

What will I need to attend virtually?
You will need a computer, laptop or tablet (such as an iPad). While using a cell phone with the system is possible, it will likely not transmit properly at times of low signal. The virtual platform works best using Google Chrome.

Will I need a computer with a camera? I do not have one.
No, that is not required. For the general sessions, all cameras and microphones will be turned off for those not speaking. For A-Team meetings, everyone will be on mute unless speaking, and use of the camera feature will be optional.

If I do not sit on an A-Team, will I still be able to join different A-Teams meetings like I do when we are in person?
Yes. The A-Teams meetings will be designed so that you can join whichever session you would like. Each A-Team meeting will each have it’s own agenda. If you choose to, you can leave one A-Team and join another. Everyone will be muted upon entering except for the presenters; however, you will be able to unmute yourself if you have a question.

If I have a question to the speakers during the general sessions, how do I ask it?
There will be a chat function during the sessions in which you can submit a question (or chat with other attendees). Someone will be monitoring the chat box and ask the questions for you to the speakers.

If I have technical problems with the site, is there someone I can contact?
Yes, the platform will have a technical assistance number and Council staff will be available to help troubleshoot.

Will the presentations be recorded?  Can I view everything at a later date?
Yes, we will record presentations.

Is the July 2021 meeting going to be in person, virtual or a mix of both?
The Council plans to proceed with an in-person meeting in Calgary, Canada, July 26-28, 2021, unless the pandemic develops to prevent it and/or the borders are not open for conference purposes. Our meetings will be in accordance with CDC and local guidelines at that time. We will look into options to livestream sessions for those still unable or uncomfortable with travel.

Who do I contact if I have another question?
Please be in touch with Rebecca Kane, USGC meetings manager, at rkane@grains.org.


For more about the meeting as it develops, please visit www.grains.org/event