USGC Leaders Speak To Producers Across The Country

While the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) has staff working in nine offices around the world on behalf of U.S. farmers, the organization’s member leaders are just as active connecting the Council’s mission to their fellow growers. Several of the Council’s board members and past leaders have been busy over the past several weeks, speaking to their fellow producers at events across the country and sharing the Council’s recent work and how it generates demand for U.S. products internationally.

USGC Corn Sector Director Jay Fischer spoke at the Missouri Corn Growers Association’s Annual Meeting and Legislative Day last week to discuss the importance of international demand for Missouri farmers.

Former USGC Chairman Chad Willis (second from right) recently participated in a panel on foreign market development at the Minnesota Ag Expo and discussed the Council’s role in building customer bases overseas.