Ulibarri, Sifferath Highlight Council’s Checkoff Partnerships In Illinois

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) is committed to expanding exports of U.S. corn, barley, sorghum and their co-products, including grain-based ethanol and distillers’ dried grains with solubles (DDGS), in more than 75 countries worldwide. That work would not be possible without the support of state checkoff organizations and the producers each represents.

To help cultivate those relationships and highlight the Council’s partnerships, USGC Chairwoman Verity Ulibarri and USGC Vice President Cary Sifferath recently met with members of Illinois Corn.

Corn checkoffs represent statewide agricultural industries and many choose to invest resources into the Council to operate on their behalf in international markets, ultimately delivering back to their local communities by developing demand for U.S. products.

“This partnership directly benefits Illinois, as the state’s agricultural economy thrives on trade,” said Jeff Scates, IL Corn Marketing Board chair. “By investing in the U.S. Grains Council, Illinois farmers not only secure and expand their market opportunities but also contribute to the broader growth of U.S. agricultural exports, particularly in emerging sectors like aquaculture and pet food industries.”

While in Illinois, Sifferath explained the vital connection between the Council and checkoff organizations and how it empowers the Council to develop markets, enable trade and improve lives.

“Corn checkoffs and the Council’s other partners at the state and national levels contribute to the expansion of the U.S. agricultural industry in many different ways and their impact is too great to count,” Sifferath said. “From resource investment to member participation in Council Advisory Teams (A-Teams), hosting international trade teams and everything in between, everyone at the Council is thankful for the contributions of its peer organizations.”

The Council thanks Illinois Corn for hosting Verity and Cary and for its continued support to the Council’s mission!

Watch Sifferath’s interview with the Illinois Corn Marketing Board here.