Sales Numbers At Southeast Asia Agricultural Cooperators Conference Announced

Sales numbers have been released from the 20th Southeast Asia (SEA) U.S. Agricultural Cooperators Conference (ACC), recently held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam by the U.S. Grains Council (USGC), U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) and U.S. Wheat Associates. Survey results showed nearly 3 million metric tons (MT) (118 million bushels) of U.S. agricultural products, including more than one metric ton (40 million bushels) of coarse grains and corn co-products, were negotiated during the conference.

“Every major market player is here. Working with our fellow cooperators, USSEC and U.S. Wheat Associates, has made this event the premier, can’t miss trade event in SEA,” said Caleb Wurth, USGC regional director for Southeast Asia and Oceania (SEA&O).

Nearly 500 participants from more than 20 countries gathered at ACC to discuss the future of global agriculture. The conference regularly draws participants from other regions, including end users from South and North Asia.

Aside from the business-to-business opportunities, ACC featured presentations from expert speakers on a wide variety of topics affecting agricultural production and trade, with innovation in grain shipping and logistics emerging as the main talking points during the conference.

With global trade corridors facing increasing pressure—from bottlenecks in the Panama Canal to geopolitical tensions—the event highlighted the need for more efficient transportation routes for U.S. agricultural exports. Speakers noted that the Pacific Northwest has emerged as a cost-effective route for U.S. grain and soybean exports, providing a competitive advantage over other global suppliers.

“With increased pressures from competing origins, this conference is critical to display the value of partnering with the U.S. agricultural industry,” said Jolene Riessen, president of the Iowa Corn Growers Association, a supporter of the SEA ACC. “Providing spaces for U.S. exporters to market our commodities is paramount to value at the farm.”

Learn more about the Council’s work in Southeast Asia and Oceania here.