Becoming a Member – Join the U.S. Grains Council Today!
How Do I Become a Member?
For information on membership, contact the Council’s Membership Department at:
(202) 789-0789
Our mailing address is:
U.S. Grains Council
20 F Street, NW Suite 900
Washington, DC 20001
Or download the Membership Application and email to
Why Become A Member?
U.S. Grains Council membership provides a variety of benefits, including:
- access to strategic market information and market intelligence from our international offices.
- periodic updates on developments in international markets, Council reports and foreign buyer contact lists.
- the ability to assist in the direction of Council programs and the development of export markets through participation in Advisory Teams and Council activities.
- lasting partnerships in foreign marketplace created by educating foreign customers about its members’ goods and services through its website, publications, trade teams, workshops and team visits to the United States.
- development and facilitation of partnering activities, where the Council and its members each contribute components to advance a strategic market development.
- leadership opportunities, with the Council bringing together key agribusiness and checkoff leaders to establish domestic business alliances and increase their domestic visibility.
- increased U.S. grain exports! The efforts of the Council in working to increase exports means more business for U.S. producers and agribusinesses.
Requirements for membership:
- An interest in our mission – developing markets, enabling trade and improving lives
- Must have a U.S. mailing address
- Must agree to adhere by the Council’s rules of conduct and standards
- Must be an organizational entity such as agribusiness, association, state-based entity, etc – no individual members (each organization has delegates that represent it)
- Must pay annual dues:
- introductory fee of $7,000 for first year, $10,000 per year subsequently
- small agribusiness membership is $6,000 annually
- checkoff entities membership begins at $6,000
- general farm organizations membership is $3,000
For more details concerning membership dues, contact Ellen Zimmerman at
New members are subject to Board of Directors approval with submission of a complete application and receipt of payment.