Market Perspectives – September 19, 2014

Country News

EU: All indications are that a record corn crop is being produced in the European Union. Some forecasters are predicting that total EU corn production could top 70 MMT, reports Reuters. France is the largest corn producer in the EU and is expected to produce more than 17 MMT.

Israel: Israel imports almost all of its feed grain for the country’s domestic poultry and dairy operations. Current price levels within the global market have encouraged private Israel buyers to enter the market. The following purchases were recently completed: 80,000 MT of corn and another 50,000 MT of feed wheat from Ukraine for shipment in November 2014 through January 2015 (per a WPI report)..

South Korea: South Korea is also shopping around in global corn markets, with a purchase order of more than 200,000 MT by Nonghyup Feed Inc. (NOFI). This company is South Korea’s largest feed maker. The South Korean Corn Processing Industry Association (KOCOPIA) is also in the market for corn, reports Reuters.