Country News
Argentina: The Mercado a Termino de Buenos Aires (MATba), Latin America’s first and largest agricultural commodities futures market, has resumed the heretofore suspended barley contract. Meanwhile, corn production has hit 48 MMT. (AgriCensus)
Australia: Despite an anti-dumping investigation by China, farmers plan to maintain their planting acreage for barley. Some believe that the area could even expand due to reduced rapeseed production caused by drought. Once the prime supplier of barley to China, sales are down sharply to the Middle Kingdom. Sellers are instead setting their sights on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but the situation will lead to much lower barley prices than previously experienced. (AgriCensus)
Canada: Manitoba corn production area has been rising and could hit 400,000 acres this year. Soil moisture is good for planting, but ongoing rains are needed and dry conditions have resulted in lower yields in recent years. (The Western Producer)
India: State-run trading company MMTC has pushed back dates for the import tender on an anticipated 100 KMT of corn. Bids are now due 15 May, offers are to be good through 31 May, and shipments are to occur between 29 May and 20 June. (Reuters)
EU: French corn sowing has progressed to 68 percent. (AgriCensus)
Saudi Arabia: The Saudi Arabian state grain buyer SAGO tendered for 840 KMT of feed barley and ended up paying 16 percent less than in an earlier tender. (AgriCensus)
Ukraine: Feed production is poised to grow. Production was down in 2018 but that was in part due to feed mills in Crimea being annexed by Russia, and a fall in pork, beef and milk production. But the consultancy Pro-Consulting says that government aid is now boosting poultry production capacity and poultry exports are set to grow. Corn exports have reached nearly 24 MMT but new crop planting has slipped despite its early start. (World Grain; AgriCensus)