Market Perspectives June 1, 2017

U.S. Weather/Crop Progress

U.S. Drought Monitor Weather Forecast: From June 1″4, the heaviest precipitation will be confined along the Gulf Coast, much of Oklahoma, eastern Missouri and northern Illinois. Parts of Florida are also forecasted to receive 1 inch of rain or more. Meanwhile, temperatures will begin warmer than normal in the West and cooler than normal in the Midwest. The abnormal warmth will quickly spread eastward, affecting the Northern Plains on June 2 and the Midwest by June 3. By June 4, much of the CONUS will be warmer than normal with a few exceptions in the Deep South and parts of the Northeast. According to NOAA’s 6- to 10-day outlook, odds are in favor of warmer than normal conditions west of the Rockies, while cooler than normal conditions dominate the east. Odds are in favor of below”normal precipitation in the Northwest and Midwest while the probability of above”normal precipitation is high along the eastern seaboard.

Follow this link to view current U.S. and international weather patterns and future outlook: Weather and Crop Bulletin.