Country News
Brazil: Conab slightly increased its estimate for the 2019/20 corn area to 17.54 million hectares, resulting in a production forecast of 98.41 MMT, up from 98.37 MMT in November. Meanwhile, meatpackers are set to import corn after the domestically produced commodity was aggressively sold into the export market. (Reuters; Refinitiv)
Canada: Stats Canada made a small cut in corn production to 13.4 MMT, versus 14.1 MMT in September. It forecast oat production at 4.16 MMT, up 200 KMT from its initial estimate in August and 21 percent higher than last year’s crop. By contrast, oat production in Australia is one-third less than the five-year average. (FarmLead)
EU: The yield for the 2019/20 French maize crop was raised slightly resulting in a 0.16 percent increase in overall production. The barley production estimate was similarly raised but by 0.22 percent. (FranceAgriMer)
South Korea: Feed maker Kocopia issued a new tender for corn for March delivery after passing on previous offers as too high priced. It successfully purchased 55 KMT, according to European traders. (AgriCensus; Reuters)
Turkey: The Turkish government grain board, Toprak Mahsulleri Ofisi, has tendered for December – January delivery of 300 KMT of feed barley. (AgriCensus)