Market Perspectives August 17, 2017

U.S. Weather/Crop Progress

U.S. Drought Monitor Weather Forecast: For the week of August 16-23, rain is forecast across most of the contiguous United States, save most of the western quarter and part of eastern to southern Texas. Rainfall may be in excess of two inches or more in some areas that will significantly benefit, including much of the Plains from North Dakota south through Oklahoma, parts of the Midwest where dry conditions have recently creeped in, and across much of the East Coast states. Over the next few days, temperatures are broadly forecast to be in the 70s to 80s across much of the northern tier and 80s to 90s across much of South. Temperatures in the 90s and higher are likely limited mostly to Texas, southwestern Arizona, and southern California. 

Looking further ahead into the second week period, above-average temperatures are favored across most of the contiguous U.S., particularly in southern Texas, Florida, and part of the upper Midwest to the mid- and North Atlantic states. Wetter-than-average conditions are favored across much of the eastern two-thirds of the contiguous U.S., part of the west and most notably western New Mexico. Drier-than-average conditions are favored across most of Texas and Oklahoma, along with the northwestern tier of the Contiguous U.S. 

Follow this link to view current U.S. and international weather patterns and future outlook: Weather and Crop Bulletin.