Chinese purchases of U.S. corn represent more than half of total new crop sales – 3.717 million metric tons (146.33 million bushels) of U.S. corn for the 2020/2021 marketing year. Included in these aggregate sales is the largest daily sale of U.S. corn to China ever at 1.762 million tons (69.37 million bushels), announced on July 14. For old crop corn, China currently ranks as the fifth largest buyer thus far in the 2019/2020 marketing year. Together, these sales provide needed positive demand news for U.S. farmers.
About The U.S. Grains Council
The U.S. Grains Council develops export markets for U.S. barley, corn, sorghum and related products including distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and ethanol. With full-time presence in 28 locations, the Council operates programs in more than 50 countries and the European Union. The Council believes exports are vital to global economic development and to U.S. agriculture’s profitability. Detailed information about the Council and its programs is online at