J.D. Heiskell Gold

Area of business
Exporter of DDGS

Mark Neher (Containers)
Phone: 503-410-1854
Email: mneher@hawkgold.com

Chris Ludwig (Rail and barges)
Phone: 515-289-9403
Fax: 515-965-2404
Email: cludwig@hawkgold.com

Mark Abbas (Trucks and logistics)
Phone: 515-289-9436
Fax: 515-965-2404
Email: mabbas@hawkgold.com
2501 SE Tones Drive Suite 500
Ankeny, IA 50021

Jerry Wang (Living water commodities, CFR business)
Email: jwang@livingwatercommodities.com

Luke Lundgren (Living water commodities, CFR business)
Email: llundgren@livingwatercommodites.com

Privately held and professionally managed, J.D. Heiskell and Company is among the top trading companies in the USA and is the country's fourth largest feed manufacturing company by volume. Its culture is driven by relentless pursuit of the highest standards of integrity, accountability, professionalism, excellence and innovation. Customer satisfaction and employee growth opportunities are the benchmarks by which its success is measured.

Living Water Commodities, as Gold office’s division, is located in Chicago and specializes in supply chain between DDGS/feed ingredient producers and Chinese and Asian end users. Our team is well equipped to continue our objective of “create value for our clients through professionalism and passion.”