Al Dahra/ACX is a prominent leader in the agribusiness; specializing in the cultivation, production and trading of animal feed and essential human food commodities such as rice, flour, fruits and vegetables. Being the hay global leader is only part of our mission. Our goal is to present a comprehensive solution that will help our customers to enhance performance and increase their profitability. An important part of that is offering quality feed ingredients and raw materials. Since its inception, Al Dahra has witnessed unmatched growth fuelled by an active foreign investment strategy, establishing various acquisitions and joint ventures with specialized feed and food producers worldwide. The group owns and operates a large asset base including a land bank of 200 thousand acres, 8 forage pressing and production plants, 4 rice milling plants and 2 flour milling plants.
About The U.S. Grains Council
The U.S. Grains Council develops export markets for U.S. barley, corn, sorghum and related products including distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and ethanol. With full-time presence in 28 locations, the Council operates programs in more than 50 countries and the European Union. The Council believes exports are vital to global economic development and to U.S. agriculture’s profitability. Detailed information about the Council and its programs is online at