Emma Dostal, who has served as an intern in the U.S. Grains Council’s (USGC’s) communications department in Washington, D.C. since June, completed her Nebraska Corn Board-sponsored internship on Friday, July 29.

During her time with the Council, Dostal had the opportunity to assist the communications team on projects including writing press releases, copy editing and digitizing historical photos. She also took on the task of creating a social media campaign during the second week in the role.
“We have benefited greatly from the work Emma provided during her time at the Council,” said Bryan Jernigan, USGC director of communications. “Not only have we seen engagement numbers on Instagram rise due to Emma’s contributions, but her work on the upcoming Export Exchange program has also put us far ahead on our preparations, and we hope to have her in person in Minneapolis during the event so she may see firsthand the fruits of her efforts with us. We appreciate all she’s done while she’s been with us in Washington.”
While many moments from her internship stood out, Dostal said she especially enjoyed meeting the Council’s director in China, Manuel Sanchez.
“When Manuel Sanchez visited the Washington, D.C., office, he made a special effort to have a conversation with me. Although he did not have a lot of time to chat, I really appreciated the effort he made to specifically talk to me and give me advice as someone who is just beginning her career,” Dostal said.
Dostal said she most benefited from staff members’ willingness to help her learn more about the Council and the work it does around the world.
“I really appreciated the support and encouragement of the Council’s staff. Whenever I had a question or simply wanted to know more about a specific subject, the staff would make sure to take the time to set up a meeting with me to answer any of my questions and help me learn more,” Dostal said. “The Council gave me the opportunity to grow my knowledge of global markets and encouraged my curiosity.”
Following the completion of her internship, Dostal returned to Nebraska to begin her third year of college at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She will study abroad in Lyon, France, for the spring 2023 semester.
“Thank you to the U.S. Grains Council for treating me like a team member and not just the intern; for believing in my skills and giving me the opportunity to use them to benefit the organization; for helping me learn about areas I am not so familiar with; for encouraging me to present my own ideas; and for the lunch conversations that bring the Council staff together,” Dostal said. “I cannot describe how much I appreciate the encouragement, support and learning opportunities that have come from this internship.”
Thank you, Emma, for your contributions to the Council this summer!
About The U.S. Grains Council
The U.S. Grains Council develops export markets for U.S. barley, corn, sorghum and related products including distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and ethanol. With full-time presence in 28 locations, the Council operates programs in more than 50 countries and the European Union. The Council believes exports are vital to global economic development and to U.S. agriculture’s profitability. Detailed information about the Council and its programs is online at www.grains.org.