Export Exchange 2024 Kicks Off Next Week, Trade Teams Underway

Export Exchange 2024, held jointly by the U.S. Grains Council (USGC), Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) begins next Monday, Oct. 7 in Fort Worth, Texas and some attendees are already stateside to participate in trade teams, where they can see the U.S. agricultural value chain firsthand.

The biennial event focuses on bringing together international buyers and end-users of coarse grains and co-products, including distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), with U.S. suppliers and agribusiness representatives. Export Exchange generates sales on a global scale, and relationships created at this conference help build future demand in overseas markets.

“Export Exchange’s pre- and post-teams are integral to the success of the event, providing participants with crucial context to the topics discussed at the conference and building understanding and loyalty between customers and producers,” said Stella Qian, USGC director of global programs. “They also would not be possible without the support of state checkoffs and Council members, who work hard to organize meetings and tours with relevant farms, production facilities and transport logistics hubs that help connect attendees with the products they purchase.”

This year’s event features eight pre-teams and 13 post-teams, organized into groups based on customers’ regions and commodities of interest, that will be escorted to various states around the country by Council staff.

“Export Exchange is an incredibly effective and informative event for international buyers, who can meet nearly all U.S. DDGS and corn co-product suppliers in one place and discuss supply contracts for the upcoming year,” said Haksoo Kim, USGC director in South Korea.

“The personal connections made during these visits, along with the chance to update on market outlooks and issues, are invaluable. Through these pre-tours, participants can confirm the excellent quality and abundant supply of new-crop corn and DDGS, reinforcing their confidence in U.S. products.”

Nearly 490 attendees from more than 50 countries are expected, with the goal of connecting domestic producers to international customers and facilitating sales on-site or soon afterward because of the connections made at the conference.

Export Exchange’s agenda and list of speakers are both available through the event’s  and updates from the Council, its partners and attendees will be posted on social media with the hashtag # ExEx24.