Council Programs Focus On Strengthening The Foundation For A Modern Feed Industry In East Africa

The U.S. Grains Council (UGC) utilized Food for Progress (FFP) funds to support the advancements of the Central Veterinary Laboratory (CVL) in Tanzania. Recognizing the long-term potential in the market, the Council supported the CVL to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and overall operational standards of the of the lab.

Six years ago, the CVL was struggling to attract the feed industry to utilize its facilities, hampered by a lack of trust and poor accessibility. As a result, livestock and poultry producers in Tanzania were forced to rely on inconsistent and inferior feed ingredients or mix their own feed on the farm. Poor quality feed led to lower performance rates and increased mortality rates within the industry. With annual poultry and egg consumption expected to increase by 3.3 percent and 3.1 percent respectfully through 2050 in sub-Saharan Africa, addressing shortfalls within the poultry industry is critical to ensure that the continent will be able to meet growing demand for high-protein animal foods.

Following intensive engagement and Council support, the CVL now conducts, on average, more than 230 feed sample tests monthly, analyzing the quality of raw materials and feed additives used in growing livestock industries in the country. At the beginning of 2019, the Council had hosted more than 15 training programs in the lab, including nearly 2,000 poultry producers, of which more than 580 producers reported they now only purchase quality feed. Nearly 90 percent of the feed manufacturers who have attended training sessions have altered their feed formulations with improved inputs, feed supplements and additives to improve the composition and value of poultry and livestock feed. By supporting this laboratory and these end-users, the Council is working to create future market access for U.S. coarse grains in Tanzania.

The Council will continue to support these industries through programs like that with the CVL as it uses Agricultural Trade Promotion (ATP) program funds to engage more broadly in East Africa and help regional producers learn how to improve their businesses. Doing so helps pave the way for imports of feed grains and co-products and for the United States to capture this long-term feed demand in East Africa.

Learn more about the Council’s work in Tanzania.