July WASDE Report Points to Surpluses of US Corn and Sorghum

The most recent World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report points to strong production of U.S. coarse grains, particularly of corn and sorghum. It is also predicting an abundant supply of grain for export mostly due to flat U.S. consumption expectations.

Fewer Acres of Corn Planted, but Strong Yield Still Expected

The total planted area for corn decreased in the latest WASDE because the planted area did not meet original intentions following poor weather during spring planting. Currently, planted corn hectares are at 37.1 million, down from 38.6 million last year. However, improving weather this summer has pushed corn yield predictions higher. The WASDE predicts 10.4 metric tons per hectare currently, but many feel this is a conservative estimate.

“The prospect of another large crop is strong at this point,” said Erick Erickson, U.S. Grains Council vice president. “Analysts are generally looking at yields higher than what the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) has in its current WASDE. It could put the United States on track for another record or near record harvest.”

Abundant Corn for Export

Along with improving yield expectations, the WASDE also reports that U.S. ethanol and feed use is not expected to increase substantially. As a result, it is anticipated that an ample supply of corn will be available for export in the 2014/2015 marketing year.

WASDE continues to report conditions that point to a plentiful 2014 corn harvest. As always, the weather for the rest of the season will determine the final production.

Substantial Sorghum Production and Exports Expected

In the July WASDE, sorghum hectares increased over earlier expectations this year to 3 million hectares. While lower than in 2013, these increased hectares are coupled with high yield expectations of 4 tons per hectare, which leads to projected higher production in 2014. Predictions for sorghum production are 8.9 million tons compared to 8.5 million tons last year. Because of strong export sales last year, the WASDE is also projecting increased exports this year with 44 percent, 3.9 million tons, of the crop available for export.

While the crops are still subject to weather changes throughout the season, current predictions are strong for U.S. corn and sorghum harvests.