USGC Sees New Opportunities in India’s Political Dialogue

A “subtle change in tenor with regard to trade and new technology� is the most notable take-away from a recent fact-finding visit to India, said Rebecca Bratter, U.S. Grains Council vice president of international operations. The recent popular movement targeting government reform, “could be the tipping point,� Bratter noted.

In meetings with Indian officials and agricultural interest groups, Bratter noted increased chatter from Council partners and stakeholders on  plans to address challenges and opportunities in favor of trade and technology. While longstanding barriers to U.S. agricultural trade with India persist, Bratter was encouraged by the emerging new class of leaders and innovators that understand the need for new broad-based engagement on the positive role of innovation in agricultural technology for ensuring long-term food security.

She noted that the Council held forward-looking discussions with influential players in key grain end-use sectors including India’s vertically integrated poultry processors, starch manufacturers and dairy cooperatives, as well as academic think tanks. Several of these decision makers expressed clearly a desire for access to new agricultural technology and new feed ingredients such as distiller’s dried grains in the immediate future.

The Council looks forward to collaborating with our numerous Indian partners to identify the methodologies and work towards our common goal of food security.