USGC Expands Digital Portfolio With Grains-In-All-Forms Portal, Conversion App

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) released a grains conversion calculator app and a U.S. grains-in-all-forms exports portal at its recently-concluded annual meeting in Sarasota, Florida, to help members of the global grain trade access critical information more easily.

“We are excited to expand our digital presence to include these products that will be helpful for both domestic and international stakeholders,� said USGC Chairman Alan Tiemann, who farms in Nebraska. “The grains conversion app and the grains-in-all-forms portal are cutting-edge resources that contain information, trends and statistics that will help the global grain trade work and grow.�

The Council’s grains conversion app converts English units to metric units and vice versa for grains and related measures. The app is available to download for free in the appropriate app stores for Apple, Android and Windows platforms. It also includes an option to switch between multiple languages including English, Arabic, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, French and Korean.

To view the app on iTunes, please visit

The U.S. grains-in-all-forms exports portal is an online calculator that converts volumes of exported U.S. corn, sorghum, barley, their co-products, ethanol and meat products into corn equivalents. This offers a different and holistic view of the amount of feed grains produced by U.S. farmers that are consumed by overseas customers.

Available on the Council’s website,, this portal allows users to access raw export data, corn equivalent data and U.S. dollar values for each country and the world as a whole for the past five marketing years. A related chart tracks the top importers of each of these products by volume and value.

To visit this page directly, go to

The Council works on behalf of corn, barley, sorghum and ethanol producers as well as associated industries to help develop markets and enable trade worldwide. This work is done through technical training, engaging in policy development and implementation and, critically, facilitating the flow of information that drives global grain markets.

More about the Council is available at or online via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn and Instagram, all of which are regularly updated with new information, video clips and photos.