USGC Media Alert on USGC Biotechnology Position

Agricultural biotechnology is rapidly being adopted around the world, but continues to be a complex, global issue.

In the U.S. Grains Council’s Commodity Classic booth (#1311 and 1313) on Thursday, Feb. 27, at 11:00 a.m. Central, USGC President and CEO Tom Sleight and USGC Chairman Julius Schaaf will provide comments regarding the current global biotechnology situation, including non-approved biotech events in China (among other countries), and the importance of a carefully regulated U.S. stewardship program.

Media attending the Commodity Classic will have an exclusive opportunity to hear the Council’s position prior to its public statement, which will be issued later that afternoon.

For more information or to arrange a private interview with USGC representatives, contact Marri Carrow, USGC director of communications, at or 202-492-3433 (cell).