The Port of Long Beach: Meet Our Host

The Port of Long Beach is one of the world’s busiest ports and one of America’s top gateways to Asia. The Port has also stepped up as a major sponsor for the U.S. Grains Council’s 11th International Marketing Conference and 54th Annual Membership Meeting in Long Beach, Calif., from Feb. 10-12, 2014, providing both a harbor cruise and underwriting our gala offsite event at the Aquarium. The Council is grateful for the Port’s sponsorship, and is delighted to welcome the Port’s Business Development Manager of the Trade Development Division Gina Barro, who will provide an overview of the stunning success and future prospects of America’s second busiest seaport.

The Port of Long Beach handles more than 6 million containers and 5,000 vessel calls a year. With ten piers, 80 berths, 66 post-Panamax gantry cranes and 22 shipping terminals, the Port is a high-volume operation accounting for one in eight jobs in Long Beach and more than 300,000 port-related jobs in the Southern California region. If combined with the nearby Port of Los Angeles, the complex would be the world’s eighth busiest port by container volume, and the second largest outside of China.

Barro is responsible for the Port’s business development and promotion of international trade. She provides strategic direction for the Port’s business and opportunity development, commercial optimization, economic development, and market research and analysis. This includes oversight and management of the Port’s foreign trade zone program. The Council is delighted that Barro is able to be the Tuesday luncheon speaker.

The hotel deadline is this Friday, Jan. 10, 2014, so reserve you spot and register today!
Additional information on the meeting can be found by clicking here.