Registration Open For USGC Summer Annual Meeting In Louisville, Kentucky

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) encourages farmers, members and other industry representatives to register now for its 56th Annual Board of Delegates Meeting scheduled for Louisville, Kentucky, from July 25 to 27, 2016.

Registration is available online here or via

During the July meeting, attendees will learn about what the Council is doing to develop markets over the long term for corn, sorghum, barley and their co-products including ethanol as well as the pockets of demand Council staff is working to capture this marketing year.

“This meeting is built around the theme of Excellence in Exports, which has five pillars including membership,� said USGC Chairman Alan Tiemann, who farms in Nebraska. “Staying ahead of the curve on factors impacting new and growing global demand is one way our farmers and agribusiness members can contribute to that excellence.�

Attendees will also hear expert speakers use current events – including the two multilateral trade agreements under consideration as well as the country’s ongoing debate about the merits of trade policy – as a backdrop to wade into important issues impacting the global grain trade.

“This meeting will include breakout sessions that will create time for deep dives into some of the most important issues for U.S. grain demand, including ethanol exports, biotechnology and livestock growth,� Tiemann said. “Our members should leave these workshops with a refreshed perspective and dedication to the work we need to do to continue expanding grain exports.�

The meeting in Louisville will also be the Council’s annual business meeting, with the Board of Delegates set to elect new officers and directors and USGC’s Advisory Teams (A-Teams) scheduled to review the Council’s operational plan, known as the Unified Export Strategy (UES). 

More about the meeting is available online at or on social media using the hashtag #grains16.

Registration is available here.