Online Registration Opens Monday for USGC Annual Summer Meeting

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) is set to open online registration for its 56th Annual Board of Delegates Meeting on Monday, May 16.

The meeting is scheduled for Louisville, Kentucky, from July 25 to 27, 2016, and will offer general sessions and breakout meetings focused on current market issues and the Council’s work to build demand.

During the meetings, the USGC Advisory Teams (A-Teams) will also spend time assessing the Council’s implementation of its 2016 operational plan, the Unified Export Strategy (UES), and member delegates will elect new officers and board members.

Member participation is essential to the Council’s success, and the Council expects all attendees will leave Louisville with a renewed dedication to expanding and building export markets.

All grain industry participants are welcome to attend the meeting, during which they can build connections with both new and old friends and learn about the Council’s work to maintain and increase U.S. market share in an increasingly competitive global market.

More about the Louisville meeting, including registration once open, is available here.