New Malaysian Import Regulations Update: US DDGS and CGM Exempted

“Good news,” said Adel Yusupov, U.S. Grains Council regional director for Southeast Asia. “The Malaysian government has confirmed that U.S. DDGS (distiller’s dried grains with solubles) and corn gluten meal are not subject to the new import regulations that are scheduled to take effect July 1. For these important U.S. export commodities, the status quo remains in effect.”

Malaysia recently published a list of agricultural products subject to new and more stringent import regulations such as fumigation at the point of export, identity preservation and more burdensome sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) documentation.

While U.S. corn was not on the list, U.S. corn meal, soybeans and soybean meal were included. The regulation did not specify, however, whether DDGS and corn gluten meal were considered corn meal.

“The Council responded to this situation immediately with a request for clarification and reconsideration,” Yusupov said. “The Council also shared its concerns with U.S. grain buyers in Malaysia about the potential for trade disruption and higher costs if this regulation included U.S. DDGS and corn gluten meal. And of course, USDA’s FAS (Foreign Agricultural Service) and APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) immediately expressed concern at a governmental level.”

This week’s clarification, in an official response to a letter of inquiry from USDA APHIS, makes clear that DDGS and CGM are not included in the definition.

“This is a demonstration of what teamwork can accomplish,” Yusupov said, “and the Council is grateful for everyone who weighed in on this matter.”