While low prices are challenging to farmers, they are an opportunity for global grain buyers who can help boost the U.S. farm economy with their purchases.
To help spur demand in the Western Hemisphere among both experienced and new buyers, the U.S. Grains Council’s (USGC’s) office there has held a series of trade schools this fall.
Marri Carrow, director of the Western Hemisphere Office for the U.S. Grains Council (USGC), recently discussed the exciting trade picture in her region with the with the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB).
“Overall, corn trade in the 2015/2016 marketing was about a 2 percent increase and, in my region, the increase was about 6 percent. Mexico, Colombia and Peru remain significant markets,” Carrow said, noting additional opportunities in Central American markets.
She highlighted several of the programs the Council runs to help spur those markets to import more corn, including the recent Export Exchange conference and networking event.
“These types of conferences where we are able to put together buyer and seller are essential to U.S. grain trade,” she said.
Carrow also discussed the importance of reaching out to trade schools.
“The trade schools are an exciting way to reach out to customers to provide them the tools they need to make educated, informed decisions,” she said. “It shows that we are committed to their business. It shows that we are committed to their development and their market.”