Council Welcomes Summer Intern Mattingly Perlinger

The Nebraska Corn Board sponsored one student this year for an international internship with the U.S. Grains Council. This week, the Council welcomed its summer intern in the Panama City office, Mattingly Perlinger.

Perlinger, a senior at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, is pursuing degrees in agribusiness and Spanish. While at the Council, he will be supporting the efforts of the Council in Panama by assisting with trade teams, working on trade policy issues and more. He grew up on a family farm and ranch in western Nebraska and has a strong interest in international agriculture, having previously traveled to New Zealand and Costa Rica on University of Nebraska agricultural study tours.

“I look forward to the challenge of living and working in Panama for the next three months,” Perlinger said. “I am excited to improve my Spanish skills and to see how the Council represents U.S. farmers, such as my parents, in the international community. I would like to thank the Nebraska Corn Board and the Council for this opportunity.”

Welcome aboard, Matt!