Council to Recognize Hayden’s 20 Years of Service

In 20 years working with the U.S. Grains Council, Kentucky Corn Promotion Council’s Ken Hayden (pictured right) is an outstanding example of how a delegate understands the link between Council programs and an entire state’s growers.

“Ken has been a visionary voice for U.S. and Kentucky farmers through this long service. When I traveled with Ken on Council missions to international markets, his grace and amicability not only connected well with international customers and end-users but was a key component of mission esprit decorps,” recalled Tom Sleight, USGC president and CEO.

Hayden’s service also includes contributions to the Council’s governance through his time on some of the most strategically important committees, including long-range planning, market development, the targeted funding task force, and the executive committee.

“Over the years, Ken expanded his knowledge of and involvement in export development and always carried the word back to Kentucky,” said Sleight. “I am proud to call Ken a friend.”

Sleight pointed to another significant contribution Hayden has made: “He wanted Kentucky to be a bigger supporter, and he thought is was highly important to bring in new blood and leadership from the Kentucky Corn Promotion Council. Through Ken’s leadership, Kentucky added two delegates in 2011.”