USGC Japan Puts Sorghum Online and In-Color

By Tommy Hamamoto, USGC Director in Japan

We just launched our sorghum website to provide Japanese consumers and the food industry community with comprehensive information on the health benefits of sorghum. We interviewed nutritionists and other field experts to get their insight on how sorghum is a healthy, natural substitute for more conventional grains used in Japanese cooking.

The site displays a large number of recipes that use sorghum as a key ingredient. Everything from fried chicken to traditional Japanese dishes features a sorghum twist. Japanese consumers and food enthusiasts can watch local chefs as they prepare their favorite sorghum recipe step-by-step.

The U.S. Grains Council custom-built this site to serve as a portal for our food industry members to gain new perspective on sorghum end-uses and to address consumer awareness challenges in Japan. We need to reach more people, more often, in order to change national habits. Photos and videos can viewed here.