USGC Annual Meeting to Focus on Council’s Leading Role in a Year of Competitiveness

With global demand for food, fuel and fiber increasing at a rapid pace due to the growing economies like China and India, now is the time for U.S. producers to capitalize on the opportunities these developments bring, said U.S. Grains Council Chairman Terry Vinduska. How the Council will play a leading role in light of these challenges will be the focus of the USGC 2011 International Marketing Conference and Annual Membership Meeting in New Orleans, Feb. 6-10, 2011.

“We’re calling this ‘the year of competitiveness,’� Vinduska said, “because as trade competition continues to grow, the United States has a significant market advantage with the American farmer’s reliable production of quality crops, our unique capabilities to combine shipments within vessels, to fast-load shipments and to provide credible government inspection services.�

Held at New Orleans’ Hotel InterContinental, the meeting will feature expert industry speakers, tours and opportunities to reconnect. The Council’s international directors will also be in attendance and available to answer questions about the U.S. market status in countries around the world.

Online registration opens Nov. 24 at

Vinduska said this membership and international marketing conference is designed for the direct participation of the Council’s membership. “We will discuss and review where the U.S. Grains Council focuses its attention and resources and consider the latest developments taking place in markets around the world,� he said.

Mark your calendars and register online. The hotel room-block deadline is Jan. 5, 2011. Click here for more information.