USGC Calls for Board, Officer Applications, Final Reminder

The U.S. Grains Council is now accepting applications from qualified individuals interested in standing for election at the USGC Board of Delegates meeting in Boston, Mass., July 19, 2010, to fill expiring Board of Directors positions, or to become the next officer of the Board. The Nominating Committee will consider all applications received by April 30, 2010, and will announce the slate of candidates by June 1, 2010.

Two at-large director positions are up for election this year, as well as the sorghum and state executive board positions. The Board of Delegates will also elect a new secretary to begin a five year rotation in the Council’s Board officers.

Application forms have been sent via e-mail to all current Council delegates. Application forms will also be available in The GRAINS Center, the members-only section of the Council’s Web site,